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(61 - 79 of 79)
Good things to those who ask
The baptismal controversy, 1811-1848, as the religious dimension of intellectual awakening in Nova Scotia
God-forsakenness and the perfection of Jesus
The ecclesiology of Morgan Edwards (1722–1795), with particular reference to his understanding of Baptist Church polity
“Figures of freedom "
"Flirting with Nirvana"
First Baptist Church, Halifax
Conviction and compassion
The Commander of Yahweh’s host (Josh 5:13–15)
Pentecostalism and the premodern
The life and thought of Henry Alline
A transcription of the journals of Rev. Edward Manning for the period of June 1, 1822 to December 31, 1822
 C.S. Lewis set out to prove the existence of God
Anglican and Dissenter responses to the Great Plague of London in 1665
George MacDonald's Christian universalism within his confessional tradition and today
Participating in kingdom shalom
The Union of the Baptists and the Free Baptists of the Maritime Provinces in 1905 and 1905
The spiritual effect of fasting
Edward Manning's Journal