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(1 - 20 of 79)
The Union of the Baptists and the Free Baptists of the Maritime Provinces in 1905 and 1905
Edward Manning's Journal
The spiritual effect of fasting
A transcription of the journals of Rev. Edward Manning for the period of June 1, 1822 to December 31, 1822
The life and thought of Henry Alline
First Baptist Church, Halifax
Canadian Baptist women in ministry
The baptismal controversy, 1811-1848, as the religious dimension of intellectual awakening in Nova Scotia
"Flirting with Nirvana"
The moulding of justice
Robert W. Jenson's concept of trinitarian personhood
The influence of John Woolman on the Quakers' antislavery position
Karl Barth's understanding of the Lord's Prayer
Gordon Fee's contribution to contemporary Pentecostalism's theology of baptism in the Holy Spirit
An analysis of Karl Barth's understanding of male and female as co-humanity
Matthew's Beatitudes in English
Lawsuit genre on trial
Rhetorical criticism and Zechariah
God-talk in the media age
The concept and practice of prayer in Tertullian's De Oratione and Origen's Peri Euches