Search results

(1 - 20 of 49)
The influence of development and methylphenidate on selective attention in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Partners' attributions for memory performance in interpersonal relationships
The construction of insanity
Selective and sustained attention in children with and without attention difficulties
Effects of prenatal tobacco exposure on newborn auditory information processing ability
A longitudinal study of relationship script correspondence within the romantic dyad
The effect of confabulation on memory for childhood events
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
In search of the generation gap
Cognitive impairments in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Community services and asset mapping
Factors affecting eyewitness accuracy and confidence
The relative effectiveness of aerobic exercise and yoga in reducing depressive symptoms among a female clinical sample
Visual and temporal processing deficits in reading disabled youth
Factors affecting juror decision-making in sexual abuse trials involving recovered memories
Motivational orientations and personal styles
Could too much be not enough?
A diary study of dyadic coping in romantic relationships
An examination of the associations of self-determination and self-regulation variables with psychological well-being
Talking about health events