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(1 - 20 of 64)
The comprehensive guidance and counselling program in Nova Scotia
Coming back together
Who am I? An autoethnographic exploration of effects of being diagnosed with a mental illness
The lived experience of introverted adolescent girls
One man's experiences of an adventure therapy program addressing intimate partner abuse
An autoethnographic exploration of my sexual  identity as seen through interpretative dance
"Someone's gotta listen"
Administrators' experiences in responding to the sudden death of a student
Exploring gender and sexuality in high school English literature
Keeping faith, externalizing belief
Preadolescent girls, media, and the presentation of self
Women's journey to honour infertility
High school confidential
The effects of induced depressed mood state on explicit (conscious) and implicit (unconscious) memory processes
The lived experience of witnessing domestic violence as a child
In their own words
Seeds of decolonial practice
The effect of trauma-informed massage therapy on the long-term negative consequences of childhood sexual assault in males
Overture to self-care