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(1 - 20 of 29)
Mother-child relationships in a small high-risk sample: sensitivity, attachment security, and talk about thoughts and feelings
Relationship processes and students' conversations about health when reading to a child-surrogate doll
An examination of loss
Parent-child relationships, emotional availability, and adult attachment representations in a high psychosocial risk sample
Quality of child-parent relationships
Assessing adult attachment and the feelings that develop after raising a virtual child
Parent-child relationships, adult attachment style, and joint play in high-risk parents and their young children
The influence of attachment style on caregiver attitudes and parental feelings towards a child raised in a virtual environment
Adult attachment style and caregiver attitudes before and after raising a virtual child
A longitudinal study of attachment and self-processes
Relationships, emotional distress, and caregiving helplessness in high-risk mother-child dyads
Attachment security and internal working models of relationships during separation from parents and pain experience
Adult attachment style and mental state language use during a controlled reading task
Executive functioning and theory of mind in children with attention and disruptive behaviour problems
Adult attachment styles and parent-child discourse during joint-reading about medical procedures and hospitalisation
Experimentally controlled book reading and attachment styles
Mental health literacy of adolescents in Atlantic Canada
Sexuality and personality of adolescents within the framework of attachment
A cross-cultural examination of the role of family pressure on academic motivation and career choices
Attachment style, pet loss and online bereavement