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(41 - 60 of 78)
Assessing the accuracy of Bayesian Additive Regression Tree credible intervals
Contributions to multiple comparisons procedures
Exploring the properties of the UEPSWOR sampling algorithms via simulations
Nonparametric and semiparametric outlier detection and quality control in seasonal time series data
The allowable transitions under simple genetic algorithms and the number of invariant groups
The fundamentals and theoretical concepts of modeling age structured populations.
Improving a solar irradiance model using statistical methods
Kendall's Tau as the test for trend in time series data
Comparison of population reconstruction methods using age-at-harvest data and catch effort
An expected improvement criterion for the global optimization of a noisy computer simulator
Bayesian variable selection for time series regression, with application to waste water monitoring
Simultaneous statistical inference for low dose risk estimation with quantal data in benchmark analysis
An overview of a novel automated system for detecting, identifying and enumerating Panonychus ulmi individuals in the field
Modelling European red mite populations using the inverse approach
Generalizing mutual clusters
Generalized page tests
Sampling with control on joint inclusion probabilities and its applications to balanced structures
Age-structured population models for species of pest mites
Ranking methods for inter-group concordance with missing values
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