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(21 - 40 of 2,805)
"Support it properly or drop it"
"That is not dead which can eternal lie"
"The help should be greatest where the need is most"
"The most eminent and capable of revolutionary women journalists"
"Thus far thou shalt come and no farther"
"To weave fantastic garlands"
"True British Tars"
"You would hardly think it to look at them"
'A luminous halo'
'An intimate charm'
'Nova Scotia's best kept secret'
'The refugee type'
(Re)militarization in Guatemala and its ramifications for social movements and human rights defenders
(Sur)passing judgement
20 years of betterment or belittlement
3-dimensional finite volume ocean coastal modelling of the Grand Passage
A "morbid attrait to beauty" elements of aestheticism in J. D. Salinger's Glass fiction
A 500-year applied paleolimnological assessment of environmental change at Alta Lake, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada