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(1 - 20 of 40)
When you need a hand
When I think about you
The rise of self-efficacy
Testing a mediational model :
Support processes in cardiac rehabilitation
Support and attachment processes in cardiac rehabilitation
Something to talk about
Social network members' disapproving opinions of marginalized and non-marginalized relationships
Romantic relationship disapproval as a predictor of perceived closeness with social network members
Psychological aggression victimization and perceived social support as predictors of mental well-being in same-sex and mixed-sex relationships
Prayer and perpetration source as predictors of the mental well-being of victims of psychological aggression
Possible selves, self-perception, and current self-concept in adolescents with learning disabilities
Perceived social support, public versus private affection sharing, and well-being outcomes in same-sex, mixed-sex, and gender diverse romantic relationships
Perceived social support for relationships as a predictor of mental and physical health in same-sex and other-sex relationships
Partners' attributions for memory performance in interpersonal relationships
Memories of the coming out experience in parents and their adult children
Love in the pandemic
It's okay
Intolerance of uncertainty as a predictor of psychological aggression perpetration amongst LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic
In search of the generation gap