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Crisis averted: neoliberalism's continued hegemony post-2008 and its implications for poverty and inequality discourse in Canada
Biopolitical theory and the problem of ontology
The persuasion of social and political thought
Cyber activism
Nova Scotia's immigration strategies
Analyzing modern protests through a biopolitical framework
"Hot Model Bitches"
The 21st century New Democratic Party
Smart, pretty, funny and sometimes a talented athlete
The destruction of worlds
Citizen Kiviuq
The 2010 Fifa World Cup™ development strategy
The quality of democracy exhibited in the leadership selection practices of the Conservative, New Democratic, and Liberal parties of Canada
Voices of downtown Dartmouth
Governmentality and resistance in the Egyptian 'Revolutionary' Uprisings
Tough on remand
Any space for political action at the Wolfville Farmer’s Market?
"Because it's 2015"
Political correctness or contested politics?
Separate and unequal