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(1 - 20 of 1,042)
"Deign'd to Chuse" Calvinism
"E(a)ve'sdropping" in Paradise lost
"Entire instantaneous sanctification" and New Brunswick Free Christian Baptists
"Flirting with Nirvana"
"In the sea but not of it"
"Oh, praise the eternal justice of man!":
"Sigh no more, ladies"
"Someone's gotta listen"
"That is not dead which can eternal lie"
"The help should be greatest where the need is most"
'A luminous halo'
(Sur)passing judgement
A "morbid attrait to beauty" elements of aestheticism in J. D. Salinger's Glass fiction
A 500-year applied paleolimnological assessment of environmental change at Alta Lake, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada
A RISC-based ATM network interface
A Statistical Perspective on Calibration of Computer Models with Tidal Power Application
A call to wholeness
A classification of coastal inlets of mainland Nova Scotia, using geophysical information to define ecological representation and to evaluate existing and proposed protected areas
A collaborative document development environment using XML and mobile agents
A comparative study of some environmental factors affecting beaver colony site locations