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A biomechanical analysis of sex and age's effect on the squat and lunge exercises
Vertical ground reaction force asymmetries in male and female athletes across four athletic tasks
Sex and sport differences in hip and knee mechanics during single and double leg drop jump landings
Development of statistical tools to analyze young athletes' biomechanics during movement tasks
The effect of age and sex on lower limb biomechanics, and investigating lower limb biomechanical relationships during a vertical drop jump
Task, sex and age effect on sagittal plane biomechanics during single leg and double leg jump-landing
Sex, leg and sport differences in ankle joint angles and moments during unanticipated cutting and jumping movements
Sex and age effects during the stance phase of running for heel strike runners
The effect of sex and age on lower extremity muscle co-contraction during walking and running
Sex and age effects on neuromuscular co-contraction patterns during double leg jump landings
Sex and leg dominance effects on neuromuscular control patterns and lower body biomechanics during single leg landings of post-pubescent athletes
Age and gender effect on muscle activation patterns in the dominantand non-dominant legs of soccer players during unanticipated sidestep cuts
The effect of distraction on female lower limb biomechanics during a drop jump landing
The effect of ankle taping on dominant and non-dominant legs’ lower limb muscle activation patterns during unanticipated cutting maneuvers on artificial field-turf
Gender and leg dominance comparison of muscle activation patterns in pre- or early pubescent soccer players while performing unanticipated side-cuts: relevance to non-contact ACL injuries
Medial versus lateral and unanticiapted versus anticipated neuromuscular differences exist in side cut and lateral false step maneuvers performed by male football players