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(1 - 20 of 31)
Mother-child relationships in a small high-risk sample: sensitivity, attachment security, and talk about thoughts and feelings
Relationship processes and students' conversations about health when reading to a child-surrogate doll
An examination of loss
Parent-child relationships, emotional availability, and adult attachment representations in a high psychosocial risk sample
Quality of child-parent relationships
Assessing adult attachment and the feelings that develop after raising a virtual child
Parent-child relationships, adult attachment style, and joint play in high-risk parents and their young children
Adult attachment style and caregiver attitudes before and after raising a virtual child
Relations of adult attachment using the Adult Attachment Projective Picture System, maltreatment history, depression, and childhood behaviour problems in a very high-risk sample
Preliminary findings from a sensitivity-based intervention for families with maltreatment histories
Talking about health events
A longitudinal study of attachment and self-processes
Interrelations of mother-child relationship harmony, maternal personality features, and history of childhood trauma in high psychosocial risk families
Relationships, emotional distress, and caregiving helplessness in high-risk mother-child dyads
Attachment security and internal working models of relationships during separation from parents and pain experience
Adult attachment style and mental state language use during a controlled reading task
Executive functioning and theory of mind in children with attention and disruptive behaviour problems
Adult attachment styles and parent-child discourse during joint-reading about medical procedures and hospitalisation
Experimentally controlled book reading and attachment styles
Mental health literacy of adolescents in Atlantic Canada