Search results

(1 - 20 of 191)
The history of the affiliations of CINDICO and UNIDICO with Acadia University 1989-2006
The collapse of righteousness?
The end of Acts 28 and the fate of the historical Apostle Paul
An exegesis of First Corinthians 7: 10-16 and Matthew 18: 15-20 in light of remarriage in the contemporary Christian community of faith
Deutero dipping?
The rhetoric of new conquest and its use in the exilic and post-exilic books
Preaching tomorrow today
Identity crises
Towards a formative leadership program in a Catholic school
Paul's "walking" metaphor and Galatians 5:16
John 6:51–59 and the Eucharist
The architecture of participation
Towards a biblical theology of mission to Arabic speaking Muslims
Engaging the senses to occasion thin space and transformation
A search for significance a study into the reasons why the adult children of members from the Brooklyn and Liverpool United Baptist Churches quit participating
Recovering Christian hospitality in end of life care
Journey of discovery
Principles for theological education
Welcomed all who came