Search results

(1 - 20 of 198)
The history of the affiliations of CINDICO and UNIDICO with Acadia University 1989-2006
Metaphysicians of modernity
Casualties of war
Must a good God be moral?
A comparison of doctrine of Satan in the Bible and the Qur’an
Shaped for faithful witness
Deutero dipping?
The rhetoric of new conquest and its use in the exilic and post-exilic books
Preaching tomorrow today
Identity crises
Towards a formative leadership program in a Catholic school
Paul's "walking" metaphor and Galatians 5:16
John 6:51–59 and the Eucharist
The architecture of participation
Towards a biblical theology of mission to Arabic speaking Muslims
Engaging the senses to occasion thin space and transformation
The role of pastoral example in the formation of Christian virtue
A search for significance a study into the reasons why the adult children of members from the Brooklyn and Liverpool United Baptist Churches quit participating