Search results

(81 - 100 of 102)
Men who abuse
The challenge of internationalization
The relational self in Japanese context
Foster parent satisfaction in Nova Scotia
An exploratory study of the relationship between childhood sexual abuse and adult female obesity
Moving from silence toward voice
Does personality matter? Perceptions of introverts as general surgeons
Focusing-oriented therapy
The unfolding of souls
Honouring the process of anger
Exploring the role of pediatric simulated patients in the teaching of pediatric communication skills in health education
Evaluation of critical incident stress debriefing as perceived by volunteer firefighters in Nova Scotia
Un'TPACK'ing athletic therapy education in Canada
Perceptions of complementary and alternative medicine in oral health education, a qualitative exploration of a Canadian school
Opening the door to ambiguity
Exploring the financial literacy of Chama women's groups in rural Kenya
Experiences of queer educators in Nova Scotia
Multiprofessional perceptions and attitudes toward integrating ultrasound into an undergraduate medical school curriculum
The history of education in the Municipality of St. Mary's, Guysborough County, Nova Scotia
Homeless  youth  in rural  Nova  Scotia