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(61 - 80 of 320)
Placebo responding in children and adults with psychiatric symptoms
The relationship between attachment, sleep and the development of attention in young children
Moderating effects of generation on incivility, burnout, and intentions to quit
Attachment style as a predictor of transformational leadership, incivility, and psychological safety in the workplace
Making an impact by having no impact
A qualitative analysis of the psychological aids for discontinuing opioid replacement therapy discussed on online forums
The association between dating technologies and the relationship outcomes of satisfaction, investment and quality of alternatives
The relationship of attachment style to trust and commitment to change in the workplace
Assessing adult attachment and the feelings that develop after raising a virtual child
Parent-child relationships, adult attachment style, and joint play in high-risk parents and their young children
Effects of a physical thought treatment on cognition and mood in cases of clinical depression
Implementation and perceived effectiveness of the Canadian Diabetes Association’s physical activity resources among diabetes care providers across Canada
Exploring potential gender differences in relationship memory, and their association with well-being
Predictors of performance in research methods
A clinical study on the effect of a probiotic formulation on memory, learning, anxiety, and  mood
Functional validation of an IPAD delivered prism adaption procedure in healthy young adults
A Naturalistic measurement of attention orienting and its relation to individual differences in attention-related problems in a normative sample of children
Adult attachment styles as predictors of pain experience in a social context
Workplace incivility and organizational outcomes
Factors affecting eyewitness accuracy and confidence