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(1 - 20 of 885)
Evolving perspectives
Accurate expected returns for draw and single-flip video poker
Rethinking drug treatment procedures in Nova Scotia
The history of the affiliations of CINDICO and UNIDICO with Acadia University 1989-2006
The Lancelot-Gawain parallel in Malory's Le Morte Darthur
The medicalization of sexuality in twentieth-century American lesbian-identified literature
Melting icecaps, missing bees
The collapse of righteousness?
The end of Acts 28 and the fate of the historical Apostle Paul
The WoW factor
Redefining the self
Cultural tourism development and the Mosuo people in Lugu Lake, China
Metaphysicians of modernity
An exegesis of First Corinthians 7: 10-16 and Matthew 18: 15-20 in light of remarriage in the contemporary Christian community of faith
Casualties of war
Adult attachment styles as predictors of pain experience in a social context
The comprehensive guidance and counselling program in Nova Scotia
Must a good God be moral?
Homeward "bound"