Search results

(61 - 80 of 2,624)
The neuroprotective effects of relaxin-3 during ischemia and the role of nitric oxide
A test of concerted evolution models using ribosomal RNA genes from the Caenorhabditis elegans genome
Exploring the discrepancies and relationship between parent/guardian and child perceptions in the context of an intervention for childhood obesity
Concealed victims
An investigation into the genomic evolution of the histone gene family
The mediating effects of coworker trust on incivility, psychological safety, and satisfaction among nursing professionals
Autism Spectrum Disorder and its effects on social and family relationships
When you need a hand
Probiotics and the microbiome
Student Volunteer Abroad Programs—imagined political identities
The effects of fungal endophytes on physiological and morphological traits in Picea glauca
Biological evaluation of metal-containing compounds to assess potential for use in photodynamic therapy
Phylogeographic analysis of genetic structure present in Purple Sandpipers
Evaluation of a curriculum-appropriate nutrition education video informed by Nova Scotia adolescents’ needs and preferences for new media
Psychological skill use, adherence, & relationships in injury rehabilitation
Excluding women's voices from public discussion
How well do people use numbers in decision making?
Monitoring system for red-striped fireworm, Aroga trialbamaculella Chambers, 1875 (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) and other pest species found in Nova Scotian blueberry fields
Contributions of image presentation, verbal presentation, and practice to learning a procedural motor task