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(41 - 60 of 214)
Because we said "I do"
The development of Baptist thought in the Jamaican context
A dialogical approach to Pentecostal pneumatology
Discerning passionate practices and renewing principles for a healthy church
The response of churches to climate change
New pastorates
Resurrecting a marginal Jew
Pentecostalism, secularism, and post-Christendom
Knowing when to yield
Confluence of the arts and theology
Increasing biblical literacy
Bringing presence
Spiritual formation In congregations
A historical and contemporary assessment of Baptist chaplaincy in the Halifax hospitals
Equipping fire chaplains for roles focused on firefighters' well-being after trauma exposure
“The Son of God” in Mark’s Gospel; with special reference to 15:39
Evangelism in the small church
An exploration of rates and causes of attrition among protestant evangelical clergy in the United States
Teach me your ways: towards an encultured pedagogy for faith formation in the African United Baptist Association
Hooked on wordplays