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Maternity bias in academia: how motherhood affects career progression

Call Number
LE3 .A278 2024
Date Issued
Degree Name
Bachelor of Business Administration
Degree Level
Degree Discipline

The purpose of this study was to investigate how motherhood influences the advancement of female academics in Nova Scotia universities. The study was conducted using a qualitative approach to determine the existence of maternity bias in these institutions. Six female educators from different universities took part in this study and shared their experiences through semi-structured interviews that lasted between 30 and 60 minutes. Thematic analysis was employed to identify common patterns and themes that emerged during the interviews. There were four main themes that emerged in the analysis process: childcare accessibility, balancing parenting responsibilities with work commitments, systemic bias in Nova Scotia universities, and advocacy and intervention. In the final chapter, these findings are discussed, and their impacts are assessed.

The author retains copyright in this thesis. Any substantial copying or any other actions that exceed fair dealing or other exceptions in the Copyright Act require the permission of the author.
Acadia University

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