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Double tap or comment? The (mis)representation and women within sports social media: an Instagram content analysis of 16 sporting accounts

Call Number
LE3 .A278 2023
Date Issued
Degree Name
Master of Arts
Degree Level
Degree Discipline

The following project analyses and questions women in sport’s representation on the social media platform, Instagram. This thesis is grounded within liberal feminism and works with communication chain information to explain how social media messaging can work to reproduce patriarchal ways of thinking. Methodologically, eight “general” sporting Instagram accounts and eight “women (equal coverage)” specific sporting Instagram accounts were quantitatively targeted through a content analysis of Instagram for two three-day blocs, one in June of 2022, and the other within April of 2023. The two groups of accounts were compared to weigh the amount of coverage dedicated to women’s and men’s sports by each page. These findings shed light on the amount of Instagram coverage women’s sport receive, as well as the impacts of content loading, controversial coverage, LGBTQIA2S+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, Two-spirited, and more) content, and underscores the importance of representation for giving young women role models in a men’s sport dominated world.

The author retains copyright in this thesis. Any substantial copying or any other actions that exceed fair dealing or other exceptions in the Copyright Act require the permission of the author.
Acadia University

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