In the last two decades there has been growth in the field of quantum educational research both to find new ways to demonstrate content, and to modify teaching practices to help build student understanding [8]. Recognizing the need to adapt education in quantum theory to draw in new learners, we present this teacher's view of how that course should be built and review a series of resources for their strengths to help instructors begin to modify their practices. Thereafter we will introduce the capabilities of the quantum-computing platforms Qiskit and IBM Quantum as they relate to introductory quantum theory and emphasize – with a capstone project pertaining to entropy, mutual information and tomography – the effectiveness of utilizing a quantum course which integrates the tools available through Qiskit and IBM Quantum.
Call Number
LE3 .A278 2023
Date Issued
Degree Name
Master of Science
Degree Level
Degree Discipline
Acadia University