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Mercury photochemistry in snow and implications for Arctic ecosystems
Methylmercury photodemethylation is inhibited in lakes with high dissolved organic matter
Modeling the photo-oxidation of dissolved organic matter by ultraviolet radiation in freshwater lakes: Implications for mercury bioavailability
Photoreactions of mercury in aquatic systems
Photoreducible mercury loss from Arctic snow is influenced by temperature and snow age
Quantifying the effects of photoreactive dissolved organic matter on methylmercury photodemethylation rates in freshwaters
Quantifying the effects of soil temperature, moisture and sterilization on elemental mercury formation in boreal soils
Response to comment on “mercury biomagnification through food webs is affected by physical and chemical characteristics of lakes”
Spatial distribution of mercury and other potentially toxic elements using epiphytic lichens in Nova Scotia
The polychaete worm Nereis diversicolor increases mercury lability and methylation in intertidal mudflats